Getting Started with Foliosearch™

  1. First, gather your images together that are available for reuse. You may want to review the contracts that you signed to make sure that you have the rights to reuse your images.

  2. At this point it is a good idea to make a CD of all of your high resolution digital files so that it is easy to find the original image when a client wants to buy the image. If you are not a digital artist, or not able to scan your work in yourself, you will need to have your work scanned by a photo lab. We have found that offers very reasonable rates for Kodak Photo Cds made from slides.

  3. Resize your images so that they will be no larger than 350 pixels on any side, and are less than 50K in filesize. You can use Adobe Photoshop to batch resize you images, or if you have Adobe Image Ready, Mac OS 8.6 or later, you can use this handy droplet. Just drag your images onto the droplet, and Image Ready will do the rest.

  4. At the top of the Foliosearch interface you will see four tabs: 'upload images', 'representative', 'organizations' and 'printable form'.

  5. 'Upload images' allows you to upload 10 images at a time. Foliosearch will check to make sure that your names are OK and contain only one period followed by either jpg or gif. You can't have spaces in your filenames or punctuations other than an underline. A good name would be: "happy_kat.jpg". Foliosearch will also check to make sure that your images are sized properly.

  6. Just click on the other tabs and you will see that they are pretty self explanatory.

  7. After your images are up, you can use the foliosearch™ interface to keyword your images. Checkboxes makes this task easy, and best of all you only have to keyword your images once! The results of careful keywording can last for years as your clients continue to find uses for images that you uploaded long ago.

  8. To the left you will see a "Search" button. Press it and you will see all your images that you have uploaded. Just click on the link underneath your image name or thumbnail and you will see how to track an keyword your images. Later on, you can use the search function to find specific images by keyword or image ID.

  9. That's it for the foliosearch interface. As always, feel free to call us at (301) 942-4850 or better yet, send us an email with your question to

  10. But wait! How do your clients search for images? Take a look at your sign up email and you will see a link that you can paste into any web design and a search page will be created that takes clients directly to your images.

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